Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
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E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Our Student Beste Gürel Publishes Her Second Book “Güneşe Adını Veren Çocuk”
Beste Gürel, our Undergraduate Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Program graduate and City and Architecture Master’s Program student, has published her second book. Beste undertook both the authorship and illustration of her children's book ‘Güneşe Adını Veren Çocuk’.
Gürel wrote her first book "İki Yolcu", a fantastic story book, on the Özyeğin University campus while still pursuing her undergraduate studies. Later on, Gürel took on an interest in illustration and children's books in 2019 when she participated in the illustration competition organized by TUDEM. In Gürel’s newfound passion for producing works in this field, the fact that children's literature reaches children intensively through foreign works, the gradual disappearance of fairy tales in the modern world, and the importance of conveying to children that not every fairy tale ends happily play a key role.
Recommended for children at the age of 3 or above, ‘Güneşe Adını Veren Çocuk’ is brought to readers by Dionysos Publishing Group.