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Thesis Defense – Gizem Avgan (MSARCH)
Gizem Avgan – M.Sc. Architecture
Assist. Prof. Dr. Turaj Arda Aşrafi – Advisor
Date: 26.05.2023
Time: 13:00-14:30
Location: AB4-315
Bioclimatic Architecture and Advanced Improvement Strategies Towards High Energy Efficiency at Districts Level
Assist. Prof. Dr. Turaj Arda Aşrafi, Özyeğin University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Neşe Ganiç Sağlam, Özyeğin University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gözde Gali Taşçı, Beykent University
Today’s construction sector is taking a major part in worldwide energy consumption. Hence, precautions in architecture are vital to prevent the harmful effects of carbon emissions and pollution on the Earth. The architecture strategies may evolve towards lowering energy consumption in accordance with this idea. In the analysis of the energy performance of the buildings, the active system reliance must be lowered as much as possible by integrating passive design strategies in architecture. Design of buildings accordingly to the local climate conditions to increase energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact is known as bioclimatic architecture. The bioclimatic design can potentially increase district energy efficiency when implemented on a larger scale than a building scale. Bioclimatic architecture strategies may have a substantial impact on energy-efficient districts. Energy consumption and carbon emissions can be lowered by designing buildings according to the local climate conditions. Moreover, bioclimatic architecture may provide the residents with more comfortable living and working conditions, which can also positively impact health. The strategy of bioclimatic architecture in generating energy-efficient districts is determined by several parameters such as building geometry, materials, and district scale methods. The thesis aims to guide future district designs by providing valuable insights and assumptions towards ecologically sustainable and resilient neighborhoods using the assistance of bioclimatic strategies and advanced improvement strategies. The research investigates the districts’ energy performance levels by integrating passive and advanced strategies to the buildings towards energy-efficient neighborhoods in the hot-humid and cold climate regions of Turkey. A district energy model is generated in Grasshopper, Rhinoceros, to testify to the bioclimatic parameters’ impact on district-level energy efficiency in two locations. The district energy simulation results are obtained and analyzed. The passive design variations’ impacts under different climate conditions are discussed and compared in detail.
Gizem Avgan graduated from Özyeğin University, Department of Architecture, in 2020 as an honor student with a full scholarship. Shortly after getting her bachelor’s degree, she started her master’s degree at Özyeğin University, Department of Architecture, with a full scholarship to study sustainability in architecture. In her professional career, she has been a teaching assistant in the course Environmental Control and Design courses. She currently takes part as a researcher in a TUBITAK national research project. She is also a member of the Building Materials and Physics Laboratory at Ozyegin University.