Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Nov30-Dec07Özyeğin University Faculty Member Associate Prof. İlknur Eruçar Fındıkçı Wins TÜBA-GEBİP (Outstanding Young Scientist) Award
Associate Prof. İlknur Eruçar Fındıkçı from the Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences at Özyeğin University has been honored with the Outstanding Young Scientist (TÜBA-GEBİP) Award in the field of Material Science...
Nov30-Dec14Women's Handball Tryouts
Dear Özü Family, In order to form the Özü Sports Women's Handball Team to represent our university, selections will be made. The selection dates and times are indicated below. Selections will be held in the indoor sports hall of...
Nov24-Dec01Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear valued members, We would like to inform you about the Sports Center's Activity Bulletin for the week of November 25th to December 1st.
November21-30Assistant Prof. Aslı Zuluğ at Özyeğin University wins “The Most Innovative Start-Up” Award with PACHA Venture
Assistant Prof. Aslı Zuluğ from the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts at Özyeğin University won “The Most Innovative Food Start-Up” award in recognition of her PACHA Natural Collagen and Protein Products during the 2nd Agriculture,...
November17-23Seminar:Allocation of Funds in Bilevel Subsidy Welfare Programs
Senay Solak Allocation of Funds in Bilevel Subsidy Welfare Programs Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Date: 22/11/2023 Location: AB1.510 Time: 14:40-15:30 Abstract: Most subsidy...
November17-24Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Valued Members, We are pleased to present the Sports Center Event Bulletin for the week of November 18-24.
November15-22Özyeğin University City and Architecture Thesis Master's Program Students Win First Place in International Urban Design and Architecture Competition
Özyegin University City and Architecture Thesis Master's Program students, Eda Akarsu, Beril Özelçi, and Özge Keskin, students, have won the first prize in the “UfM Student Competition on Urban Design 2023: 'Urban Solutions...
November13-21Başak Onbaşıoğlu, Student in the Department of Industrial Design at Özyeğin University, Is Selected For the WDO Young Designers Circle
Başak Onbaşıoğlu, a 4th-grade student in the Department of Industrial Design from Özyeğin University, was selected for the WDO Young Designers Circle for the 2023-2025 period of WDO (World Design Organization). In the past years, our students...
November11-13Lexpera Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, On Sunday, November 12, Lexpera will undergo scheduled maintenance from 00:00 to 24:00. During this time, there may be intermittent impact on performance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
November08The Long-Standing Memorandum of Understanding for Student Exchange Programs Renewed between Özyeğin University and Oregon State University
On November 8, 2023, a signing ceremony hosted by Özyeğin University (OzU) marked the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for student exchange programs between Özyeğin University and Oregon State University (OSU). The signing...
November08-16Rethinking the History of the Women's Movement on the Centenary of the Republic Conference Organized on October 21
The conference “Rethinking the History of the Women's Movement on the Centenary of the Republic” took place at the Reşat Aytaç Auditorium on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Organized by Dr. Senem Timuroğlu, Dr. Özlem Dilber ve Dr....
November08-29Özyeğin University Faculty Dr. Mohammed Elamassie Attended IZPHOTECH 2023 As an Invited Speaker
Dr. Mohammed Elamassie, assistant professor at the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department and the Executive Co-Director of the Center of Excellence for Optical Wireless Communications Technologies (OKATEM) at Özyeğin University, delivered...
November07Art Theraphy Workshop
Art Therapy Workshop The purpose of the workshop is for individuals to gain awareness and develop themselves in self-efficacy through Art Therapy. The target audience is students. The relevant workshop consists of 8 modules and will take place from...
November07-18Global Entrepreneurship Week Events
Dear ÖzÜ Members, You are invited to join the Global Entrepreneurship Week, celebrated across 170 countries to support and engage entrepreneurs, events organized by Özyeğin University Center for Entrepreneruship and...
November06-11Research Assistant Recruitment Assessment Results
Based on the announcement made in the Official Gazette dated 11.10.2023 and on the Özyeğin University website on 01.11.2023, the results of the Research Assistant in the field of Economics at the Faculty of Business are announced below. Faculty...
November06-13Özyeğin University Faculty of Architecture and Design Wins First Prize in International Project Competition
The design project led by Associate Prof. Güliz Özorhon and Assistant Prof. İlker Fatih Özorhon from our Faculty of Architecture and Design, and developed jointly with Research Assistant Gülbin Lekesiz and Architect Kerem Meral has...
November03-10Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Valued Members, We are pleased to present the Activity Bulletin of the Sports Center for the week of 4-10 November.
Nov01-Dec31The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences, Results of Research Assistant Position for Professional Flight Program
The results of the examination for the position of Research Assistant in the The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences, Professional Flight Program, held on October 30, 2023, in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulation on the Central...
Oct27-Nov01Research Assistant Recruitment Pre-Assessment Results
You can find below the roster of eligible candidates who have successfully completed the pre-screening and are qualified to participate in the examination, along with the examination details for the positions of Research Assistant at the esteemed Faculty...
Oct27-Nov03Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear esteemed members of OzU, We present to you the Sports Center's Activity Bulletin for the week of 28th October to 3rd November for your information.
Oct27-Nov10Cumhuriyet’in 100. yılı hepimize kutlu olsun!
Cumhuriyet’in 100. yılı hepimize kutlu olsun.
Oct27-Nov30The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences, Preliminary Evaluation of Research Assistant Position for Professional Flight Program
The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences at Özyeğin University, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Law No. 2547 on the Professional Flight Program, published in the Official Gazette No. 32336 dated 11.10.2023, and within the...
Oct27-Dec31Institutional Water Footprint Report
Dear Members of OzU, Water is a finite and strategically vital natural resource essential for life. Our world is currently grappling with a water crisis, driven by factors including population growth, industrialization, climate change, and other environmental...
Oct20-Nov03Reformer Pilates Classes Begin
Dear Members of ÖzÜ, Our Gym, located on the 1st floor, has started offering Reformer Pilates classes in the Studio Area. Please click here for the reservation link.
Oct12-Nov30Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences - NASA Space Apps Challenge
Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautics professors and instructors served as jury members to select the next generation of technology leaders in the NASA Space Apps Challenge hosted by Bahçeşehir University on October 8, 2023.
Oct11-Nov15L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Lunch Service
Dear OzU Members, Our practice restaurant L’Atelier Bleu is open as of October 19th, 2023. This term, L’Atelier Bleu Restaurant will be open for lunch on Thursdays at 12:00-13:30 hours (https://latelierbleu.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr). Please...
Oct03-Nov30Electric Vehicle Charging Station Announcement
Dear Members of the OzU Community, Please be advised that there are 4 electric vehicle charging stations on campus, with one in the Business (SC) parking garage and three in the AB4 parking garage. For more information and user instructions,...
Sep28-Nov30Student Documents Fees
Dear Students, Student document fees will be updated, effective as of the beginning of classes in the 2023-2024 academic year. You can see the updated documents fees via Student Information and Document Fees. Student Services
Sep28-Dec31Visual Syllabi in the Digital Transformation Journey!
Dear Instructors, We are happy to share an exciting announcement with you! As OLTE, we would like to share with you the visual syllabus examples we have designed. This innovative step is intended to help you deliver your course content more effectively...
May03-Nov01Summer School 2023 - West University of Timisoara, Romania: 5th Edition of West University of Timisoara Summer School
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the 5th Edition of West University of Timisoara Summer School sent from one of our partner institutions West University of Timisoara (Romania). You can find...
May03-Nov05Summer School 2023 - Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, Germany: 25th International Summer School at ASH Berlin “Digitalization in Fields of Social Work”
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the 25th International Summer School at ASH Berlin “Digitalization in Fields of Social Work” sent from one of our partner institutions Alice Salomon...
Apr17-Nov302023-2024 Fall Semester Final And Composite Exam Schedule
Dear Students, Please be advised that the 2023-2024 Fall semester final and composite exam schedules are now available in the Student Information System (SIS). To check your 2023-2024 Fall semester final and composite exam schedules, please...
Mar21-Dec21Summer School 2023 - University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland: BSwiss – Swiss International Business Summer School 2023
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the BSwiss – Swiss International Business Summer School 2023 sent from one of our partner institutions University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern...
Mar07-Nov01Summer School 2023 - Universidade Católica Portugues, Portugal: International Summer Schools 2023
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the International Summer School 2023 sent from one of our partner institutions Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal). You can find the information...