Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
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E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Erik den
Assistant Professor
School of Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Economics, 2005
School of Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Business Economics, 1995
Company Innovation Systems (CIS), Business Ecosystems, Digital Platforms, Technology & Innovation Strategy
- Den Hartigh, E., Stolwijk, C. C., Ortt, J. R., & Punter, L. M. (2023). Configurations of digital platforms for manufacturing: An analysis of seven cases according to platform functions and types. Electronic Markets, vol.33 no. 1, 30.
- Hartigh, E. den, J.R. Orrt, G. van de Kaa & C.C.M. Stolwijk (2016); Platform control during battles for market dominance: The case of Apple versus IBM in the early personal computer industry. Technovation. vol.48-49, pp.4-12.
- Stolwijk, C.C.M., E. den Hartigh, W.P.M. Vanhaverbeke, J.R. Ortt and C. van Beers (2015) Cooperating with technologically (dis)similar alliance partners: the influence of the technology life cycle and the impact on innovative and market performance. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, vol.27, no.8, pp.925-945.
- Stolwijk, C.C.M., J.R. Ortt & E. den Hartigh (2013) The joint evolution of alliance networks and technology. A survey of the empirical literature; Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol.80, pp.1287-1305.
- Stolwijk, C.C.M., W.P.M. Vanhaverbeke, J.R. Ortt, M.W. Pieters, E. den Hartigh & C. van Beers (2012); The effect of internal and external technology sourcing on firm performance throughout the technology life cycle; Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, vol.24, no.10. pp.1013-1028.
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. den Hartigh (2009); Keeping the balance: exploring the link of futures research with innovation and strategy processes. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, vol.21, no.3, pp 333-351.
For more:
- Researchgate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Erik_Hartigh
- Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4L2JadcAAAAJ&hl=en
Conference papers (refereed)
- Mutlu, I., Den Hartigh, E. and Üçler, Ç. (2022). Digital Technology and the Stages of Digital Business Transformation," 2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference, Nancy, France, 2022, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ICE/ITMC-IAMOT55089.2022.10033256.
- Mutlu, I. and Den Hartigh, E. (2019); Digitization, Digitalization, and Digital Transformation as Stages of the Use of Digital Technology in Business. DTSS 2019 Digital Transformation and Smart Systems. ODTÜ, Ankara 23-25 October.
- Hartigh, E. den (2018); Company Innovation System: a conceptualization. 27th International Conference on Management Of Technology. International Association on Management of Technology (IAMOT), 22-26 April, Birmingham.
In progress
- Guest editor of a Special issue of Technovation on Digital B2B platforms for manufacturing
Call for papers:
Guest editorial team:
Claire Stolwijk, TNO, Netherlands
Wim Vanhaverbeke, University of Antwerp, Belgium
J. Roland Ott, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Matthijs Punter, TNO, Netherlands
Erik Den Hartigh, Ozyegin University, Turkey
- Technology and Innovation Management (MGMT401)
- Project Management (MGMT311)
- Business Integration (SEC402)
- From 23015 till 2023 I coordinated the Business Schools Quality Assurance and accreditation process. The School is AACSB accredited as of February 2023. See also https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/en/faculty-business/overview/accreditation-and-quality-assurance