Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr



  • Financial Accounting and Reporting
  • Macroeconomics Dynamics
  • Managerial Economics
  • Financial Securities & Markets
  • Business Analytics
  • Business Ethics&Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Strategic Management Lab.
  • Marketing Management
  • Operations Management
  • Managing Behaviours in Organizations
  • Business Communication
  • AI-driven Business Strategy
  • New Product Development
Executive Seminar Series Course
  • Executive Seminar Series
Project Course
  • MBA Capstone Project


ACCT 501 - Financial Accounting and Reporting: The course emphasizes (1) the concepts and conventions that underlie financial statements, (2) the methods that are used to record, summarize and report the effects of economic activities in financial statements, (3) the interpretation and analysis of financial statements, (4) identify the main users of financial information, and (5) understand the role played in the financial reporting process by all the participants.

ECON 501 - Macroeconomics Dynamics: This course provides a unified framework that can be used to analyse macroeconomic issues such as growth, inflation, monetary policy, fiscal policy, quantitative easing and financial crises. The course is a mixture of macro theory and real-world applications. During the course, analytical models are developed and then are used to understand recent macroeconomic issues.

ECON 502 - Managerial Economics: The course reviews microeconomic concepts such as supply and demand, production, cost, perfect competitiond and monopoly.  The course also shows how economics affects main business decisions such as compensation, pricing, and market entry. Game theory and strategy are the final topics of the course.

FIN 502 - Financial Securities & Markets: This course focuses on the financial tools and methods necessary for managers to make intelligent investment decisions. The course starts off by looking at the financial markets and the financial instruments traded in these markets. Throughout the course, there is increasingly more exposure to the quantitative tools and methods of modern finance.

MGMT 503 - Business Analytics: With today’s information technology, companies are able to collect and store tremendous amounts of data easily. What distinguishes successful businesses from others is their ability to extract useful information from mountains of data and make decisions based on this information. Moreover, management decisions are typically made under uncertainty. This course introduces a set of quantitative tools and techniques for analyzing and interpreting data as well as measuring and modeling uncertainty.

MGMT 505 - Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility: Managers and employees continuously face ethical dilemmas in their professional careers. Hence it is crucial to integrate ethics into decision making processes at every level of an organization. Through theoretical approaches, critical (self-) reflections, and real business cases, this course provides a scientific framework for ethics in business.

MGMT 701 - Strategic Management Lab: Strategic issues are at the core of company success and survival. This course discusses selected core concepts and tools of strategic management, such as resources, capabilities, environmental interaction, company and business model evolution, organization and portfolio of innovation, knowledge and stakeholder management, value creation, sustainable competitive advantage, performance impact, and strategic fit. During the course students make a strategic analysis of a real-world company, using these strategic management concepts.

MKTG 502 - Marketing Management: The course provides an introduction to the role of marketing in an organization. Specifically, it addresses developing marketing solutions within the organization and developing the ability to define and analyze marketing problems. It addresses analytical concepts and techniques relevant for marketing decision making, with an emphasis on creating, capturing, and sustaining customer value. It provides a forum (both written and oral) for presenting and defending own marketing decisions, and for critically examining and discussing the recommendations of others.

OPM 502 - Operations Management: Operations Management is the design, planning, coordination, and control of the transformation processes that create goods and services. Topics covered include process analysis and design, quality management, capacity planning, inventory management and just-in-time systems. Emphasis is on the application of these concepts to real companies from a variety of sectors.

MGMT 705 - Managing Behaviours in Organizations: This course discusses the major concepts within organizational behavior with a critical lens, emphasizing foundational principles essential for effective management and leadership. Key topics explored include foundations of human behavior; values, attitudes, and personality; individual perception and decision making; motivation; understanding group behavior and work teams; organizational culture and leadership; communication and conflict.

MGMT 736 - New Product Development: To introduce students to new product development concepts and processes with a focus on marketing new products.


MGMT 600 - Executive Seminar Series: This course is organized around a series of seminars where critical decision makers and top executives share their views, experiences and business practices with the students. These seminars are designed also to have room for discussion so that students are able to ask critical questions to the executive speaker about the seminar subject. 


PROJ 720 - MBA Capstone Project: The capstone project is the finishing part of the MBA program. Through the capstone project students create impact in either a current organization or in a newly defined enterprise. This includes analyzing the current situation both within and outside the organization and identifying alternatives for action. Doing so, students apply the theories, methods, and concepts that they learned during the MBA program. The project includes a report (or extensive slide deck) that covers all aspects of the project and the presentation of an ‘executive version’ of the project to the involved instructors. In addition, students prepare a ‘lessons learned’ report. It is an individual or team-based project. The topic depends on individual or student team interests.