Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
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E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

2023 Spring Education Principles III
Dear OzU Members,
In line with the decisions made by the General Assembly of Higher Education Council (YÖK) on February 17, 2023; the decisions of University Senate were announced as the 2023 Spring Implementation Principles on February 17 and 18, 2023. According to the principles announced by YÖK in the meeting held with all the Rectors on February 18, 2023, the 2023 Spring principles have been re-evaluated and the Educational Principles section has been updated as follows:
Educational Principles:
- In line with the statement made by YÖK, all non-applied undergraduate and graduate courses will be taught online and synchronously in the 2023 spring semester. Quizzes and midterms to be held in these courses will be administered online; this practice is subject to change depending on the governing decisions to be announced by YÖK regarding examinations over the coming months. The decision about the final and composite examinations will be determined and announced in line with the decisions to be taken by YÖK.
- Online synchronous courses can be recorded or not-recorded; the information will be shared by the Instructor. Students will be able to access the course materials of not-recorded courses on LMS.
- Undergraduate and graduate courses that are fully applied or that include application activities which must be given over the entire semester, will be taught face-to-face on campus. Midterms, final and composite examinations of such courses will also be held face-to-face on campus.
- For courses which include applied parts that can be given separately from and after their theoretical part, the theoretical part will be given online synchronously; the details of when and how the applied parts of these courses will be given will be determined in line with the decisions to be taken by the Council of Higher Education in the following months.
- The list for the mode of instruction of all undergraduate and graduate courses are published here.
- All courses for the English Preparatory School will be conducted entirely online. Additional information about these courses will be announced separately by the School of Foreign Languages.
- In the 2023 Spring semester, attendance will not be required for online courses throughout the semester. In face-to-face applied courses, attendance will not be required during the add-drop period.
- The mode of instruction for the online courses could be updated in line with the decision to be taken by YÖK in the following months; therefore, room assignments are preserved as is on the SIS.
- Students can attend online classes from wherever they want; they can also use the classrooms defined for their classes during the course hours depending on their own conditions and preferences.
- Similarly, instructors who want to benefit from the infrastructure of the University and the equipment of the classrooms can deliver their courses using online platforms in their classrooms defined for their courses (Zoom, etc.).
- Recording online courses is subject to the permission of the instructor. Recording a course without permission, sharing such recording with another person and using or disseminating it via offline or online channels are strictly prohibited and/or considered a crime. Such actions will result in legal proceedings as well as disciplinary investigation.
- Office hours for online courses will be arranged online. Instructors can also arrange face-to-face office hours if they wish.
In line with the announced principles, it has also been decided to extend the add-drop period until Friday, March 3, 2023 so that students can make the necessary plans. You can access the updated academic calendar in this direction here.
2023 Spring Semester Principles have also been updated in line with the explanations above.
Best regards,
Student Services